Wednesday, June 3, 2020

7th June Class Framing : Theme :Jagganth's  Jagganth Mahaprasad :  

1. Appreciate  Children's and parents efforts and their dedication for the celebration of Snan Yatra. Jagganath is definitely pleased by Gopal's garden children's efforts.


3. how's jagganath Form is different from other Krishna's forms. 
        How Jagganath is special?? 
        1. Big eyes, No eyelids
        2. No legs, incomplete hand
        3. Temple remain open for longer time
        4. Rath yatra
        5. Jagganath Prasad is called mama Prasad
        6. Jagganath mercy is in his mahaprasad
        7.Jagganath is God of Kaliyuga
        8. Wood


4. Jagganth's mercy is in his prasadam. Krishna says take my shelter, Mahaprabhu says that chant Hare Krishna, Jagganath says just eat my Mahaprasad. Jagganath Prasad is always referred as Mahaprasad. Jagganath Prasad is not ordinary . Jagganath likes to be fed nicely. 

When we think of Jagganth temple, we think of Jagganath puri however there are few more JBS temples are there which are famous as well equally potent like Jagganthpuri. 

5. Temple in Rajapur : & Mahesh village

Rajapur temple given to Iskcon in 1978 : that time the temple was not in good condition. 
proper Bhoga was not offered so

This past times of Jagganth in Rajapur are recent past times .  Around 1978

Past time of JBS running from Rajapur to Mayapur for eating Prasad. 

Jagganath likes to eat and likes his devotee also to eat nicely. 

He Is So Greedy! past times of Govardhan Hill eating all Prasad. 

"Jaga Jaga Jaga Jaga..."

5. How we should honor JBS mahaprasad???!!!

         01.  Chant prayers before honor the Prasad. 
         02.  Use the right hand to eat and drink.
        03.  Do not talk while honoring prasadam
        04.  Do not throw prasadam. Never touch prasadam with your feet or step over it.
        05.  Wash hands, feet and mouth before and after eating.
        06.   Fill 1/4 of your stomach with water, 1/2 with food and the other 1/4 with air. DO NOT OVEREAT!


These pastimes have occurred since ISKCON accepted the responsibility of caring for the Temple

When ISKCON first acquired the temple there was no facility for cooking, so we would cook extra at Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir and the pujarl would take it in a tiffin carrier by bicycle to the Jagannatha Mandir. One day after making the raja-bhoga plate, he realized that he had forgotten to bring tulasl leaves. At that time the old temple was in a very dilapidated condition. The doors could not be shut properly. So he thought to himself, "If I go and pick tulasl then maybe some children would come inside or worse still may be a dog would come in. He was in a dilemma: what to do? But seeing how it was time for the Lord to eat, he told Lord Jagannatha, "Dear Lord, I know that You say that You don't accept any food offerings without tulasl, but please understand the situation and accept this offering anyway." He then made the offering to Lord Jagannatha and went outside to chant the Gayatri mantra. When it came time for the arati, he opened the doors and was about to remove the plate of prasadam, when to his great surprise he saw a ten inch branch of tulasl leaves sticking out of the mound of rice! Jagannatha Swami kijaya! Tulasl maharani ki jaya!

"They have nice prasadam down there..."

Where are Our blankets?"

The nights had been increasingly cold, and we hadn't started offering chadars to the Deities. Odana-sasthi is the day when we offer the Deities starched cloth, and this day marks the beginning of winter. This story happened before Odana-sasthi, but still it was cold. The pujarl had a dream that someone was banging on the door while he was sleeping. So he got up and opened the door and he saw the small Deities of Jagannatha, Subhadra, and Balarama lying on their backs on the ground. They were shivering and They asked him, "Why are you not offering us blankets? You have one, what about us? You are sleeping very nicely under your quilt. Don't you think we feel cold?"

He Is So Greedy!

The same pujari told us that shortly after we put a Govardhana slla on the altar, Lord Jagannatha appeared to him in a dream and started complaining in his dream: "That Govardhana slla, He is so greedy you know—He eats everything and He is very quick. He doesn't even wait until it is offered. As soon as the pujarl comes in, He starts eating and He especially likes the sweets. Please do something!"
So now the pujarls have arranged a separate plate for Giri Govardhana.

Offense to Maha-prasadam

Lord Jagannatha is very popular here. He is known as a very powerful Deity amongst all the different villages in this area. About 25 years ago, on sndna-yatra day, a riksha driver took some kichari prasadam while at the temple, and also took some for his friend, who was a Muslim. But his friend threw it on the ground and said, "I don't eat food that has been offered to idols!"

That night in his dream, the friend saw that Lord Balarama was sitting on him, strangling him, beating him like anything, and saying, "Don't you know that My brother is worshipped by honoring his maha-prasadam, and you dared to throw it on the ground?! I will kill you!" The man was very fearful. Subhadra was there too. She was laughing and saying, "Kill him, kill him!" Lord Jagannatha was there and He was also laughing, but He said, "No, no, no, don't kill him." The next day this Muslim came very humbly before the Deity and offered worship to Lord Jagannatha. He narrated his story and also asked for some maha-prasadam. But there was nothing left. "There must be something," he pleaded. So the pujarl went and searched the pots and found a little, which the man happily accepted.

"Jaga Jaga Jaga Jaga..."

A couple of weeks ago when I was here, Bhadrasen Prabhu, Lord Jagannatha's pujdrl, told me that just before we arrived, there was another couple here with their child. They tried to conceive a child for a long time but were unsuccessful. About three years ago, when they heard about Jagannatha here, they came and did some puja with the expectation of having a son. This time they came back with their son; he was about two years old, just learning to speak.

They came to Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir and showed him to Radha-Madhava, and he was saying,"Jaga jaga jaga jaga." They asked him, "Are you happy?" He said, "No." They took him to Panca-tattva, and he kept saying, "Jaga jaga jaga jaga." They said, "Are you happy?" and he again said. "No." Then they brought him here to Jagannatha Mandir and he saw Jagannatha and said, "Jaga Jaga Jaga Jaga!" They asked him, "Are you happy?" "Yes," he said. "Happy now." Jai Jagannatha!

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7th June Class Framing : Theme :Jagganth's  Jagganth Mahaprasad :   1. Appreciate  Children's and parents efforts and thei...